Questions tagged [racing]

Competitive bicycle riding. Trying to go faster.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can anyone help source a quote. Something like, “Even gears are for concrete mixers.”

I feel like I heard this quote from an old school cyclist, like a Belgian who spent a lot of years wearing a poncho or some such. I could also swear that I found the source of the quote a few years ...
jqning's user avatar
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Formula hub - fixed cone on the axle

Does anybody have the diagram for a generic Formula hub axle assembly? It has a fixed cone on one side of the axe with no spanner flats. I'm not sure which side of the hub this is supposed to go on ...
Paul's user avatar
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Help identifying this Freeagent bike?

so I’m considering the purchase of this bike but all the information about it provided is that it is a Freeagent bike. There are asking $150 and depending on the model/year that may or may not be a ...
Jessop Scofield's user avatar