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I hope itsit's fixed by now! But if it's not, most likely itthe wheel is not seated correctly. TakeTake it out, and make sure the derailleur is pushed back so the chain goesloops around the cassette from the top in a counter clockwise direction.

If in doubt, I'm sure you can find a youtube demonstration showing you howyoutube demonstration showing you how...

I hope its fixed by now! But if it's not, most likely it is not seated correctly. Take it out, make sure the derailleur is pushed back so the chain goes around the cassette from the top in a counter clockwise direction.

If in doubt, I'm sure you can find a youtube demonstration showing you how...

I hope it's fixed by now! But if it's not, most likely the wheel is not seated correctly. Take it out, and make sure the derailleur is pushed back so the chain loops around the cassette from the top in a counter clockwise direction.

If in doubt, I'm sure you can find a youtube demonstration showing you how...

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I hope its fixed by now! But if it's not, most likely it is not seated correctly. Take it out, make sure the derailleur is pushed back so the chain goes around the cassette from the top in a counter clockwise direction.

If in doubt, I'm sure you can find a youtube demonstration showing you how...