Based on the available Peugeot catalogs it looks like this is not a Pipeline.
Given the double cable guides on the down tube Liz is right, this was a ten speed.
Update: Charles Irvin is right - the double cable guides do not indicate a ten speed. The 82 five speed version - as noted in the stats - has a PRIMEX-60 band brake rear which would use the left cable guide.
In searching through the U.S. Peugeot catalogs, it looks like the cantilever Pipeline frame was made in 1982 and in 1989 . It came in a one and five speed model.
I see nothing in the catalogs with the decals or paint scheme on your frame. The 82 sounds just like the one Charles describes.
I looked through catalogs from various countries - and there are differences in the line for different countries - but found nothing. I could have missed something.
Here's another source of Peugeot catalogs. I found no cantilever frames in these catalogs.