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Feb 15 at 21:24 answer added Robert McFadyen timeline score: -2
Feb 11 at 23:52 comment added Criggie Is it possible the front derailleur has suffered an impact and is now bent? Or it may have wear in the pivots and is no-longer able to get-over as much as it needs to?
Feb 11 at 22:51 history edited MeltingDog CC BY-SA 4.0
better terminology
Feb 11 at 22:49 vote accept MeltingDog
Feb 11 at 14:54 history became hot network question
Feb 11 at 11:20 answer added DoNuT timeline score: 12
Feb 11 at 9:24 comment added DoNuT Lack of cable tension? If there isn't enough, the FD doesn't come out enough to not hit the chain. Not to be confused with the limit, so first make sure that the FD can be pushed into a position manually where it doesn't scrub...
Feb 11 at 8:55 comment added Criggie Front derailleurs are fiddly things - can you add some well-lit photos to your question?
Feb 11 at 6:53 history asked MeltingDog CC BY-SA 4.0