I would like to know the answer as well.
I currently use Kryptonite Evolution Mini 5, but it's crap.
The constant vibration of riding with 28-32mm tires pumped to 6-7 bar and riding across curbs at full speed means that the lock rattles a lot. In fact, it rattles so much that the rattling causes the mechanism to wear early. I have a lock with only 10000 km of use, which has the lock mechanism failing already. The lock fortunately unlocks with ease, but locking it again requires bending the key in a certain manner, otherwise the mechanism refuses to lock.
Otherwise, Kryptonite Evolution Mini 5 is ideal. It's small and lightweight, yet made of thick steel because it is so small that it can use thick steel without being excessively heavy. It's still large enough that you can lock using Sheldon Brown's lock strategy, assuming your bike has normal sized tires (up to 40mm or so). The steel is covered by some kind of rubber which means it doesn't damage your paint. It fits easily into the unfortunate trend of having a sloping top tube, which reduces the amount of space in the main triangle for carrying lock.
A second Kryptonite Evolution Mini 5 failed in about 200 km, in this manner so apparently I'm not the only one that observes a rotation failure of the lock cylinder.
Also, Kryptonite Evolution Mini 5 is easy to pick, just see LockPickingLawyer's channel on YouTube. However, picking it requires specialized tools. I think collaborating with Abloy to make a lock resistant against picking would be a good idea, but Kryptonite refuses to understand how important it's to make locks that can't be picked easily.
For frequent use, I think the main problem is going to be vibration. Riding 10000 km can damage any lock, unless the internals are made of very high quality steel.