Is there any evidence that thieves prefer one color of bike than others?
I'm not asking for opinion but for a citable reference.
Is there any evidence that thieves prefer one color of bike than others?
I'm not asking for opinion but for a citable reference.
Finding statistics is extremely difficult, but one set of data was located from the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry.
Their statistics page is now dead/404-ed but if you go to the WaybackMachine, you can get archived data from September 2012.
And tada!
This one is probably a bit less than scientific, but seemed interesting. Also, unlike all of our other stats, it's based on a free-form text entry, rather than a select-box type field.
Color Percentage Black 14.23% blue 7.60% Red 5.28% Silver 5.21% White 4.87% Green 2.30% Grey 1.63% Yellow 1.26% Light Blue 1.17% ORANGE 1.15% Gray 1.09% purple 0.91% Gold 0.83% Black/Silver 0.80% Brown 0.74% dark blue 0.74%
However, to make sense of this data we'd also have to know what proportion of colors are the most popular amongst bike sales because if Black bikes make up 25% of the market but only 14% of thefts, then black bikes would be proportionately less likely to be stolen. So some further research is needed.
Black Colour Bicycle is Bicycle Thief choice is for One reason:
Thief can just paint it with black coloured Spray and Not get detected
Black colour bicycle is the world's Most favorite colour,Even I want it
Black coloured bicycle (Mostly Plain bicycle) Is very common in US