I recently purchased a 2nd hand bike, and I am facing a clicking noise when I pedal (under slightly higher than normal load). I feel it almost as a pair of clicks in both pedals, and I feel one click when one pedal is ahead and another click when the other one is ahead (1 click when each pedal is at 5'o'clock position and I add weight on it)
What I tried. 1) I noticed this first after changing the pedals, so i changed it back, tightened the pedals multiple times but it persists. 2) I tightened the screws on the cranks/chain rings (spider to chain ring) (they were quite quite loose) but it didnt seem to help (Are both the chain rings held with the same screws? I use the little chainring only) 3) I tightened the 8mm hex holding the crank arms itself. Also didnt seem to help.
2) and 3) Seemed to get loosened after the ride, so I wonder if they are indeed the problem. I have tightened them tighter now, hope to see in the next ride.
I have not done anything with the BB yet.
What else to look at, what can I do/try? Makes my bike feel very cheap :P I want to fix this.