I have a cheap 20" folding bicycle. Its specs say that the max rider weight is 105kg. The frame is steel (vaguely defined as "HiTen" steel).
I want to convert it to electric, so will be adding approximately 12kg more (mid motor, battery, etc.). I also want to carry panniers, let's say another 20 more kg. My weight is 100kg. So with some reserve, the bike needs to carry approximately 150kg of weight.
I assume that the weak point will not be the steel frame itself, but some components, like bearings, rim material, spokes and so on...
The question is: what components are recommended to change (in general) to get a more sturdy folding bike - i.e. which components have the greatest impact on the load capacity of the bicycle?
I assume that the exact type of bicycle is irrelevant, but let's say something like this.
Just found this article about the stress analysis of the folding frames. Really interesting reading. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V6/i10/IRJET-V6I10207.pdf