Is it ok to use a Nexus 8 speed grip shifter with an Alfine 8 speed hub?
The Alfine shifters seem to be all trigger shifters is that correct?

2 Answers 2


The Jtek bar end shifter claims to work with both Nexus and Alfine 8 speed hubs, so I don't see why other shifters wouldn't.

A comment on this review of the Alfine hub backs that up: "Apparently the Shimano Nexus Inter-8 twist shifter can be used with the Alfine hub if you want to avoid endless button-pushing."

  • nice one thanks for the info twisting I shall be. The twist grips are also a bit cheaper than the Alfine triggers too.
    – Gurnard
    Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 12:16

I have tried this on 2 different Alfine 8 hubs. Been running it for a couple of years and it works great. Basically you can use the Nexus twist shift with the Alfine 8 hub and it works fine.

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