It's currently winter in the UK, so for my commute to and from work I need lights and reflective surfaces for safety. I've read about local people losing their lives cycling, so I want to make myself as visible and safe as possible. I currently have:
- 2 x Smart Lunar 35 Lux front lights
- Energizer head torch
- Smart Lunar R 1/2 Watt Rear Light
- Fibre light (Flashing red) attached to back
I'm considering buying and fitting electroluminescent wire to my bike frame in order to make myself more visible. Does anyone have any thoughts or first hand experience?
On one hand I consider the brighter and more visible I am, the safer I am. However I'm already got lots of lighting and reflective surfaces on my bike. Also I've made sure that my front facing lights are white, rear facing red and other surfaces reflective. So I worry that el wire could add a non-standard and confusing colour into the mix.
Update: 4th December 2012
I found some el wire for £6 at Suntekstore, so I decided to give it a go! I've also recorded a quick video.