In general, I don't think there is a tool right now that does exactly what you want, but you can get close. It sounds like you tried Google Maps, and hopefully when you did you clicked on the Bike Route option to see the suggested route. That is not going to minimize the different roads and turns because it is optimized for safer, lower-speed roads. One nice thing about the Google Maps bike route tool is that the printable directions/details are formatted very much like the route tip sheets I make for myself when going for longer rides in new areas.
You can also use to create your own routes, see elevation profiles, export to google earth and create the same google maps navigation directions mentioned above. You can also search by location to see if anyone has a route like yours. A search for Camus turned up this route for instance (not quite what you are looking for but it give you an idea of what you can generate).
For your specific starting point and destination you may want to check with your local bike shops for any Washington specific route maps or publications. The sports or travel sections of your local library or bookstore are another good place to look for books or maps that have long-distance cycling routes.
You are in luck for part of your route though - The section from just north of Toledo to a little west of Longview sits on the Adventure Cycling Pacific Coast Trail. Adventure Cycling routes and maps are some of the best I have encountered. The maps can be a bit pricey, but are well worth it for their detail. They typically show convenience stores, bike shops and rest/camping areas.
There are other Adventure Cycling Routes in Washington and all over the US.