Among the bikes in my stable is a department store tandem that really isn't worth much, but would be enjoyable to ride with my wife. Like many department store bikes this one was not assembled correctly and now the pedal threads on the right front crank are beyond stripped, there are millimeters of smooth clearance around where it would screw in. It doesn't appear that it could be re-threaded.
The problem is, on a normal bike the right crank has the splines for the chainrings, and the left is unadorned. On the front crank of a tandem this is backwards. So while I can find replacement left crank arms, what I really need is a plain 170 mm right crank arm.
I've searched my usual online retailers to no avail - and don't want to spent the $$$ for a full, 4 crank arm tandem set.
Anyone know where I might find one?