Being faced with a wheel with these devilish things, I'm wondering how people keep them from twisting when tweaking the nipples. I've been using a pair of Vice Grips, but that's clumsy and seems a bit crude for such exotic items.
Anyone got a better idea?
Note: These are Easton spokes which are round, with the nipples in the rim (not "backwards" like some fancy rims). The stub end is very slightly flattened, but there's no practical way to reach that end when the spokes are in place on the hub.
Aside: I'll note that the Easton hub I've been working on is the devil incarnate. To do any adjustment of the drive-side spokes one must first (per the manufacturer and my experience) de-tension the non-drive-side spokes 3-4 turns, then re-tension after the drive side is fixed. Otherwise the drive-side nipples round over.