I have a nice SP dynamo hub and an old Supernova E3 Triple dyanamo light. However, the dynamo light isn't very bright when I'm starting my ride, as my ride has a long hill at the very start, so I don't go very fast. Then it's a lot of stop and go riding for the rest of my commute with a few more small hills. The standlight kind of sucks until I've been riding on a straight stretch for a while. Looking forward, I would consider buying new gear to help, but I'm not sure what I need (other than just only using battery powered lighting).
Basically, I want my bike to always have lights on while I'm riding through the winter months where I'm commuting both to and from work in the dark, and not loose lighting when I'm stopped or going slow on a climb (where I'm very venerable). Currently, I have to supplement having dynamo lighting with battery powered lights since the dynamo lights cut in and out due to my hilly commute with lots of stop and go urban riding.
Does anyone make an inline power buffer for dynamo based lights to provide (a) Immediate on when you want to start riding and (b) Constant power while stopped? Or are there lights or other equipment that provide this feature (without forcing me to build my own circuit boards and such)