I am a female getting into serious cycling, and will be riding in a 200 kms charity race (over 2 days) in June 2017, as well as beginning to compete.
In 2013, I broke my pelvis in 3 places. I broke both ischial tuberosity bones, though I broke them at the "top" of each round ring, not the bottom. I also broke the sacrum bone right next to the right side of my spine (2mm) away.
I have healed perfectly fine, and have no pain, except when I am cycling long distances. I start to get sore at 50 km, and it gets worse as the distance increases. It is the ischial tuberosities that get sore, not the sacrum bone.
I will not allow this to get in the way of cycling. There is a way to overcome this, and I will find it.
I need to find a saddle that will take some of the pressure off my ishial tuberosity bones, and I am looking for suggestions.
I live in Toronto, Canada, if that helps.
Please send me suggestions or ideas, so that I can kick some butt on my races, without my bones kicking my butt.