The new Cycle Superhighway 3 goes through Hyde Park, London,UK on West Carriage Drive.
It contains a number of points at which pedestrians are evidently intended to cross, as the roadway and cycleway is raised.
Unfortunately, this is the best picture I have of one which was taken while CS3 was under construction: the raised segment of the crossing continues into the cycle lane.
However, I have noticed on my commutes that very few cyclists or pedestrians seem to know who has the priority at these crossings. They are not laid out like zebra crossings, as exist on some cycle lanes in london, which had led me to believe that the cyclists had priority, and the raised sections were advisory in nature to pedestrians, just like crossing islands are usually when not marked by a zebra crossing.
The highway code seems to me to be silent on the issue: it only mentions specific types of marked crossings, rather than generic raised crossings with no markings.
Who has the priority here?
As requested by one of the comments, this is what one of these looks like:
Both from West Carriage Drive in Hyde Park