Whenever landing from a bunny-hop or jumping a couple of stairs, my hands strain just above the wrist. How can this be remedied?
Things I have tried:
- Warming up before going out.
- Position the handlebars, so that the hoods are parallel to the ground, so that my writs are straight. This results in extremely uncomfortable drops position (wrist rotate at an extreme angle if I want to clear the brakes).
- Staying relaxed on impact. Absorbing as much as possible with the legs.
- Keeping the wind away from my joints.
Things I haven't tried:
- carbon forks
- gel gloves
- lower tire pressure (35x622 tires @ 7bar)
- landing back tire first
Meta: This is no question, whose answer can not be verified quickly. I have upvoted all the answer and will, or will not, accept one as 'best' some day.