The context here is that I'm using a mountain bike to commute and I'm considering buying a hybrid bicycle or road bicycle.
I'm experiencing various issues that require repairs and maintenance. Perhaps the most time consuming being punctures.
Even if the road or hybrid bicycle is faster, I'm afraid that this benefit will be negated by the time lost on more frequent repairs.
I have no idea how these punctures/tears happen, I try to be careful with curbs and avoid any debris I can.
How durable are hybrid bicycle tubes compared to mountain bike tubes?
Another (and perhaps more correct) way of phrasing the question is to ask, what is faster for city commute where there is a lot of curbs, uneven surfaces, traffic, and similar challenges. A hybrid bicycle or a mountain bicycle, when factoring in the maintenance/repair time cost as well as the speed?
As a bonus question, how much faster is a road/hybrid bicycle anyway? Are there any studies that look at average speeds in typical city commutes? Obviously they would need to look at the exact same route and be somewhat serious, not just being marketing blurbs.