I disassembled a Shimano FC-M442 crankset and reassembled it using its exploded view. Usually, chainrings have a special notch indicating their orientation that should align with each other as well as with the drive-side crank arm. Oddly, the exploded view for the FC-M442 suggests that the middle chainring's notch should be 90 degrees off.
I then compared with a similar crankset, the FC-M590, using its exploded view. All the notches on this one are aligned as expected.
Has someone ever seen a crankset where the chainrings' notch need not to be aligned? Could there be an error in the FC-M442 exploded view? It would not make much sense to have alignment notches if we can't rely on them when reassembling the crankset.
Edit: Unless I contact Shimano, I guess I would not know if the EV is wrong or correct. Should I reassemble the middle chainring the way the EV shows it or by aligning all the notches like pretty much every other crankset?