I'm at a loss trying to ID the make and model of this old bike with Bianchi insignia, that I acquired recently for cheap. The seller had no idea, said it was a gift to him. It's obviously been (badly) repainted at some point, which makes the task even harder.
So I've now spent many hours researching 70s and 80s Bianchis online and none match perfectly to its features. Models like the Randonneur touring bike resemble it, yet the welds are always slightly different. Plus my bike has no "B"s or "Bianchi" carved into the frame/pantography.
Does anyone have any hints? I can really use some guesses even as I'm out of ideas. Here are some of the more defining features:
- The peculiar style of welds - Head tube:
- The peculiar style of welds - Seat tube:
- It has pegs for a pump:
- Rear dropouts have hooks for racks:
- This is the front of the headtube w Bianchi sticker but it could be inauthentic:
Do you think it's a Bianchi at all?? I'm starting to lose faith on that. even though I really want to restore it back to its original glory, so long as I can find out what it is/was initially.
The closes resemblance I found is a Swiss brand of now vintage road bikes called Tigra.
Many many thanks for any useful information!