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Questions tagged [bike-vs-car]

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13 votes
5 answers

Can I trust my bike’s frame after I was hit by a car if there's no visible cracking?

I was waiting at a red light and the person behind me hit me. Her car ran over my rear wheel crushing it and over my frame. I have checked the frame were there are indications of her car but do not ...
Kevin Weckbach's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

How to deal with impatient drivers

Sometimes when I'm riding on the road and taking up a lane, drivers behind me honk impatiently. Presumably they want me to move of the side of the road or on to the sidewalk so they can pass. Should ...
Lightsout's user avatar
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34 votes
19 answers

What can you do when a driver cuts you off?

Commuting into work by bicycle can be a serious challenge if you’re anywhere other than Amsterdam. I commute by cycling in London, about 6 km each way through busy parts of central London. Although I ...
PyRsquared's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Might biking lower forehead temp readings at destination?

I often bike to work at a place that screens all who enter for fever. Lately this has been done with a no-touch forehead thing, presumably an IR gadget. When I bike, even if it is cold enough that I ...
Brian Donovan's user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

Why do bike tires suffer from frequent punctures whereas car tires don't?

I have driven in my life 200 000 km by car and 20 000 km by bike. In my car, I have never had a single puncture. In my bike, my puncture count probably exceeds 5. Why do bicycle tires suffer from ...
juhist's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

How to handle motorists' dangerous behaviour with an impassable group?

I rode in a Velowagen (1) with over 300 cyclists on the national bike route in Switzerland, while on a narrow countryside road a few cars began piling behind us and one of them started trying to pass ...
bookman B.'s user avatar
23 votes
14 answers

Should I drive or bike to work? [closed]

I'm going to start a job next summer as a sailing instructor. I've volunteered before and biked the 3.6 mi (5.8 km) commute a few times a day on a mountain bike I found trashed a year prior. ...
user39045's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is it legal for a car to overtake me as I overtake a parked car in UK?

The road has one lane. There is a parked car on the side. I overtake it and position myself in the middle of the road because no car is coming from the front. Often enough, at the same time I get ...
Claudiu Creanga's user avatar
31 votes
19 answers

Invested too much in my car! How can it be worth cycling to work?

I am a promoter of cycling in general, especially for commuting to work. Convincing people, especially motorists, to cycle to work is a challenge. Most understand the benefits of cycling, even if its ...
James Peter McConnell's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

I generally commute along four-lane 30 mph [50 km/h] main streets. Is this wise? [closed]

crasic's view Elsewhere, crasic writes: The Most Direct Route is Not Always the Best ... Your driving commute route is usually a horrible bicycling commute route. I purposefully avoid big ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

I read that "training is needed" before your voice can replace a horn. Why might this be?

In a discussion about very-loud bicycle horns, alex wrote that he uses his voice. He added that it works well and is always ready to use. And then he added: "And, yes, training is needed." If I ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
37 votes
3 answers

Threatening swerving by driver - should I report it? (Canada)

I'm curious to get some opinions on this from other cyclists. FYI this event took place in Ottawa, Canada. On my work commute, there are about 3 blocks where I ride in the lane with cars because ...
SSilk's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

UK - What constitutes dangerous driving?

So today a big tour bus pulled into the bus lane in front of me. In the process of doing so, they came pretty close, within an arm span. Then, further down the road the traffic slowed them down and I ...
Clumsy cat's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Insurance that covers the original price of the bike [closed]

I'm a new cyclist and new to this forum; hi! I forgot to mention I live in the UK. I am going to get a cyclocross bike from Evans for just less than £1000 and accessories. I'm mostly concerned about ...
user138072's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What bicycle safe anti-car road spikes exist?

I am curious if there is a technology that allows bicycles to run over it, but will destroy car tires. From my understanding, usually poles like this are placed on trails to prevent vehicles from ...
Timothy Swan's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to avoid/deal with exhaust fumes when riding in traffic

I live in Chicago, and I ride through the downtown area and other congested streets to and from work every day. Often when I am at a stoplight, I am directly behind or next to several cars belching ...
chiliNUT's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How to deal with motorist's road rage (after prevention has failed)

A few weeks ago I had my first experience where I really worried for my well-being at the hands of an angry motorist-- so, what can a cyclist do when being threatened and followed by a motorist? ...
errantlinguist's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Is a car "perfectly entitled" to turn left around cyclist

(I'm in the UK so we drive on the left) This morning a driver pulled up alongside me (to my right) at a junction. As soon as a gap came available, I pulled out to turn left and he did the same, ...
RobEarl's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How to thank motorists?

Often motorist do something that makes me wish they had stayed at home, but they also frequently do nice things too. Like slowing down to let me in to the lane, or making sure that they overtake with ...
Jekowl's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Are there sirens/horns that are like a car horn?

I am going to start commuting on my bike, but I often use busy roads that are not cycle friendly and cyclists are not often noticed. I need a horn to be noticed. (and to vent my anger without losing ...
George's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Discouraging motorists from stopping at an intersection when they have the right-of-way

Where I live, bicycles are widely accepted in traffic; motorists are on balance considerate and careful around us. But on an almost daily basis, I run into motorists who are too "polite" at ...
jscs's user avatar
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-1 votes
5 answers

If I attached a "pointy" pool noodle to my bike, would it make me safer even from sadistic drivers?

A few sources suggest that mounting a foam pool noodle on the back of your bike can help stop drivers from passing too closely. Such noodles are available at my dollar store, unlike spring-loaded bike ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How can I prevent cars from passing me too closely?

Recently, a driver buzzed by me, leaving just a couple of inches between my handlebars and his car. It was very scary. In general, how can I prevent cars from passing me too closely? Please cite ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Thinking of quitting due to dangerous driving [closed]

I used to cycle a lot, and decided to try taking it back up after last year's Olympics. But it feels like almost every time I try to go out for a ride I nearly get taken out by someone passing far ...
GordonM's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

What are some ways to keep biking when you have a car?

I used to ride back and forth from work for 16 mi. every day. I recently bought a car for snow rain and such, but it has killed my drive to get out and bike. I was wondering how other people integrate ...
Chris Belsole's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

What are some alternatives to fruitlessly ringing my bell at a motorist?

I doubt that motor-vehicle drivers can hear the "ding" sound that a bicycle bell makes. What are some better alternatives?
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can cars legally drive in the bike lane down the street?

Every day on my way to school there is a long street with a bike lane and two car lanes on each side. But when the street is jammed I have cars going really fast behind me and honking because I'm not ...
Raven Blackwolf's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why are there a large number of businesses that do not allow bicycles in the drive through?

What are some reasons that business owners choose to prevent cyclists from using the drive-thru? Are there legal issues?
Paul Stenius's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Is it generally the case that bikes are allowed to use the "full lane"?

Many blogs and other sources of information on cycling advocate "riding like a car" or "taking the lane" as a way to increase safety and visibility when riding on a road. But such advice presupposes ...
orome's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Food costs compared to Gasoline riding cross country USA

I was on vacation at Mesa Verde Nat park this year, I met a nice couple bicycling cross country from California, they were riding reasonably loaded Surly Big Dummy's. They were surprised at the ...
Moab's user avatar
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