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Questions tagged [derailleur-hanger]

Component holding the derailleur to the frame. Tag to be used for damage to derailleur hanger, finding/identifying specific hangers and modifications/repairs/fabrications of hangers.

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Help Identifying what derailleur hanger I can use

I bought this frame and have no idea what type of derailleur was on it. I have the back wheel and it has 8 gears. I feel this is a legitimate question and none of the other similar questions answered ...
Paul's user avatar
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Is rear derailleur hanger numbering standardised?

I broke my hanger, and had to find a replacement. One listing I found for a "#23" looked quite different, and the seller said: These numbers are created by the seller, different sellers may ...
Criggie's user avatar
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Play in rear mech

Came off my bike a while back, noticed the indexing was off and drivetrain worn, so replaced the lot. Indexing still off no matter how well I adjust. Inspect rear mech, it's noticably bent, can't ...
alan ocallaghan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Help identify this derailleur hanger

I need to buy a new derailleur but I can't find the same derailleur hanger, I checked all of the websites but I still can't find it. I don't want to buy it from a bike shop yet because it's more ...
Lam Munn Jun's user avatar
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Cause of dent on derailleur hanger?

I was cleaning my bike and when I take my rear wheel off I notice the quick release skewer is bent. I bent it back and when I lock my rear wheel back I notice the spin part of the skewer's plastic ...
Lam Munn Jun's user avatar
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