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2 answers

Would a IGH drive train last longer than a derailleur drive train?

Would a single sprocket + 8 speed chain + single chain wheel used in combination with a IGH last longer than a 10 speed cassette + 10 speed chain + 3x chain wheels? Image I have 2 bicycles. Bike 1 ...
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6 votes
7 answers

Feasibility of coupling internal hub gear and derailleur

Price considerations apart, would it make sense to install together an internal hub gear and a derailleur? I was thinking of it as a viable way to avoid having the front gears.
L.Dutch's user avatar
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Comparing gear ratios on different bike types

How can I compare gear ratios on different wheel sizes? How can I compare gear ratios on MTB with tracking bikes with bigger wheels? How can I compare gear ratios with gear hubs?
Hubidubi's user avatar
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61 votes
6 answers

What are the pros and cons of internal gears?

I've had my hybrid 24-speed for a bit over 3 years now, and just last weekend, when looking for a bike for my wife, discovered internal gears. Suffice to say it blew my mind when I saw 7-speed ...
drfrogsplat's user avatar
49 votes
11 answers

What's the efficiency of hub gears compared to derailleurs?

What's the efficiency of hub gears compared to derailleurs? I know that hub gears are not as efficient. Apart from being heavier, how much will I lose in performance if I use hub gears?
Johan Dahlin's user avatar
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