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2 answers

Front fork brake posts removal

I wonder if the v brake pivot posts can be removed from the front fork, even though the posts have no flat side to undo them with a spanner? Can these be removed with a pair of pliers or a grip of ...
D D's user avatar
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3 answers

can only use right hand to brake reliably, due to disability - safer/possible to modify bike?

I'm new here and hoping someone might have thoughts on this - had a look and couldn't find an answer elsewhere! Apologies for the kind of long question, and if it's silly, but any thoughts would be ...
Yhana's user avatar
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Disabling back-pedal brake

I have a bike with the so-called back-pedal brake, but since it's for someone who's learning I think that it's more an obstacle than an advantage. Since the bike also has hand-actioned brakes, can I ...
clabacchio's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Which brake is most expendable?

I'm thinking of removing a brake(front or back) to reduce weight and simplify my bike. Which brake is most expendable? Its your average fixie road bike.
David Walz's user avatar