There are stub-nosed dedicated crimping "pliers" where the crimping is done at the tip end, which is typically what works best for limited access situations, as opposed to back by the hinge where they're sometimes added on to other kinds of pliers or cutters. [![enter image description here][1]][1] Another approach that still works well for limited access spots is keeping around a pair of dull, bad quality side or diagonal cutters, and just using the tip. Don't use good ones because it will be too easy to cut the endcap by accident, but there are a lot in the world that aren't good ones. Some wire strippers also have crimp areas near enough to the tip that might work. Another tool common in bike shops that can be capable of reaching in and putting a good crimp in tight spaces is a lockring plier, such as this Hozan: [![enter image description here][2]][2] [1]: [2]: