Based on the available Peugeot catalogs it looks like this is not a Pipeline.

Given the double cable guides on the down tube Liz is right, this was a ten speed.  
Update: Charles Irvin is right - the double cable guides do not indicate a ten speed. The 82 five speed version - as noted in the stats - has a PRIMEX-60 band brake rear which would use the left cable guide.  
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

In searching through the U.S. Peugeot catalogs, it looks like the cantilever Pipeline frame was made in 1982 and in 1989 . It came in a one and five speed model. 

I see nothing in the catalogs with the decals or paint scheme on your frame. The 82 sounds just like the one Charles describes.  

I looked through catalogs from various countries - and there are differences in the line for different countries - but found nothing. I could have missed something.

Here's another source of [Peugeot catalogs][2]. 

[![enter image description here][4]][4]

[![enter image description here][6]][6]
