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The things you push your feet against to make the bike go. Pedaling technique, and other stuff related to pedals. Clips and clipless pedals.

20 votes

How much of a difference do Toe Pedal Clips make in comparison to Platform Pedals?

I found toe clips to be better than platform pedals, but not by a huge amount. Seriously, get clipless pedals. … Once you get clipless pedals you'll never look back! …
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23 votes

what is this protrusion on one side of my platform pedal for?

When you fit toe clips to your pedals, that spike is there to help you flip the pedal over so the clip is on the top. The pedals have an up and down orientation when toeclips are fitted. …
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14 votes
5 answers

Why not place the cleats further back on the foot?

I've found a number of articles saying there is no advantage in having the cleat under the ball of your foot as opposed to further back towards the arch. The reasoning is that the calf muscle is not s …
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13 votes

Do clipless pedals that can have toeclips exist?

There are pedals that have a cleat clip on one side and a traditional platform pedal on the other side. …
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3 votes

Clipless pedals: Why clipping in so darn difficult?

I think the key to your problem is the asymmetrical nature of SPD-SL pedals. So I don't think the Look pedals will help you. … Consider rotationally symmetrical pedals such as SpeedPlay, Crank Brothers Egg Beaters, SPDs, and the Time ATAC range. …
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28 votes

Can someone give me a short description and comparison of the different road cycling pedal /...

First up, I'd strongly recommend switching to clipless pedals. … Some pedals allow the float to be adjusted independently of the tightness, while other pedals have only a single adjustment for both. Also, see this answer. …
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4 votes

Is there an optimal postion for SPD cleats?

Here is a very good article about fitting cleats. It contains advice about: Locating the correct initial position Adjustments from that position, including angle of the foot Maintenance/lubrication …
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