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Questions about training and pacing based on tracking heart rate or questions about the methods and technology used to track heart rate.

4 votes

How important is a heart-rate monitor?

The short annswer is not at all important. People trained and got fit for decades without heart rate monitors. Current thoughs in some camps is to dump heart rate altogether. For someone just wanting …
mattnz's user avatar
  • 53.1k
3 votes

Can you identify this Cateye HR Sensor E product model?

It is not ANT+ - only the HR-11 is listed on "" (and its too old to be ANT+) I suspect it will analogue - most likely would be Polar compatible but cannot be certain. There are Cateye d …
mattnz's user avatar
  • 53.1k
3 votes

heart rate monitor / arrythmia

I can't speak to the specifics of arrythmia, but I will challenge the presumption a HR monitor is needed at all. Its entirely possible to train well without gadgets. If you feel the need for a gadge …
mattnz's user avatar
  • 53.1k
9 votes

Finding my physiologically relevant maximum heart rate

The 220 - age (or any age based formula) is a myth that works well enough for roughly 60% of the population and puts the other 40% wrong. That it persists to this day with such ready access to HR moni …
mattnz's user avatar
  • 53.1k
2 votes

Multiple Bluetooth Smart sensors for bike?

I found driod support for these kinds of sensors to be patchy at best and not yet what I consider ready for prime time. Manufacturer provided software is often crap, third party often don't support th …
mattnz's user avatar
  • 53.1k