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Results tagged with speed
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user 4534
how to go faster or how to go faster safely. For questions about gears or derailleurs, use 'gears'
How does weight and strength of a person effects the riding of bicycle at higher speeds?
TLDR - Weight training is the wrong activity for improving both your sustained speed (26-30kph) and your 1-minute speed (40kph). Read below to understand why. … These muscles differ by the metabolic pathway used to power contraction, as well as contraction speed and strength and ability to perform repeated contractions. …
Can you ride a bicycle at 90 km/h on a flat road?
In my younger foolish years I actually did this exact scenario, except at a slightly lower speed 85 kph (speed limit was 80 km/hr), but for a distance of nearly 10 km (between two suburbs). … I had a bike computer at the time, but I never checked the cadence, just my speed which was 80-85 kph. …
Faster with lower center of gravity?
Speed depends on your power output and your drag (see How can one estimate drag for a bicycle? for a full explanation). … I would default to a "two-sided" alternative, which means we are potentially interested in speed differences in either direction (i.e., lower or higher body position is faster). …
How much slower are big tires?
It is therefore a bit of a non issue relative to the gains in comfort and higher sustained speed due to reduced suspension losses. …
How do I descend faster on the straightaway?
Your question is missing specifics such as hill grade, but let's assume you are talking about steeper grades where it is relatively easy to hit speeds above 40 mph. Second you didn't m …
Fastest way to get faster up hill
The two main skeletal types are slow twitch which has slower contractile speed, lower force, but higher endurance and fast twitch which has a faster contractile speed, higher force, but lower endurance … If you have a power meter this is easier but if you don't just focus on wheel speed, even if the wheel speed isn't representative of the wheel speed you'll use while climbing. …
Do I need a Road Bike to go fast?
The short answer is that:
Yes a well sorted road bike can increase your speed, if it is done right;
That said, you can optimize a CX bike to be very similar in speed to a dedicated road bike; and
You … For a commuting setup I have listed the pieces I believe gave the biggest speed gains. …
Legs are very weak
Always "riding your hardest" is called "junk miles" because it is not possible to always ride your hardest. The biggest performance gains come from more targeted and disciplined riding (as suggeste …
Fixie vs Road Bike - the right fixie bike for bunch rides
For example, if you have a flat time trial with consistent wind and the right top end gearing, once you are up to speed, you will be hard pressed to find faster set up (other than a full aero TT setup) … If you lowered the gearing to accommodate these features, you likely would be able to hit your 55 kph "chicken run" speed. …
Is a 29.5 km/h average speed decent for a 90 km ride (on road) with an elevation of 1200 m?
Now of course this assumes your listed average speed is an honest average speed. That is you started your timer, rode 90 km, then stopped the timer and found you averaged 29.5 kph. … This will require a lot more energy for a given speed. You will also be able to read the pack, and keep a good drafting position as the group surges. …