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9 votes

How to enlarge dropout slots?

You can do it with files. The chrome does make the surface harder but it's not a big deal. This is usually seen when the fork was originally slotted to take a 5/16" axle. I'm not a Raleigh ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
9 votes

Dropout damage mystery, how to fix it? [Photos and videos]

Looks likely the main problem you have is caused by the left side axle protruding too far, meaning the QR would not have clamped the dropout. You need to center the axle. The other answers go into ...
mattnz's user avatar
  • 52.3k
9 votes

Nut dents on stamped dropout

The frame has been cold-deformed because someone's used too much torque to tighten wheel nuts which has squished the metal over time. Either the dropouts are too soft/thin or someone's used an impact ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
8 votes

What is the purpose of this rear dropout screw?

While it has a rotation prevention value, it's negligible really. The Fuji Gran Fondo introduced this system in ~2012. They have a few of their road bikes use this convertible rear axle system. This ...
piet's user avatar
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8 votes

Converting Belt Drive Bike With Paragon Sliders to Conventional Cassette

If what you have now is the plain "no hanger" drive side Paragon insert, there's not really a good way of getting a rear derailleur installed on to it. Depending on the situation, it's ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
7 votes

132.5mm dropout spacing with a 130mm hub AFTER it has already been used with a 135mm hub

Short answer: Don't worry about it! Steel is inherently a springy material and you will find the dropouts spring back to their original location once the wheel is removed. In order to permanently re-...
Noise's user avatar
  • 15.2k
7 votes

Rear wheel won't stay in position

It's some combination of: QR springs not pointing the right direction. Try removing them completely while working on this, which can also help with the next thing. Relatively thin steel dropouts not ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
7 votes

Dropouts too short for internally geared hub

The black spacer in the right and left dropout should be removable. If you remove the spacer (it is usually a press fit) you will have plenty of room in the dropout slot. The spacer is a nice to have ...
David D's user avatar
  • 23k
7 votes

Loud squeal from front wheel - mechanical disc brake, QR axle

Got to the bottom of it. Was the mudguard! Tyres are thick and pretty knobbly and it was rubbing and squeaking against the mudguard. Not what I expected but just glad it's resolved. Will invest in ...
Ally M's user avatar
  • 81
6 votes

Filing front dropout

If an aluminum fork dropout has been bent, it has already been compromised in strength. Bending it back will make matters worse. Filing it wider open will also make matters worse, even if it was not ...
Grigory Rechistov's user avatar
6 votes

How to enlarge dropout slots?

If the fork is hard to grind, or you value it more and don't want to damage it, maybe you can grind the threads of the axle a little bit, where it meets the dropouts. I've never done this, though. Not ...
Robert's user avatar
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6 votes

Rear wheel won't stay in position

Check the serrated underside of the acorn nuts; the two surfaces on the QR that press on the outside of the frame. I've seen one where the ridges were smoothed off and didn't bite into the frame, so a ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
6 votes

Dropout damage mystery, how to fix it? [Photos and videos]

Running a 135mm hub in a 130mm aluminum frame is the bad kind of hack even it seems to be functional. It will always cause additional stress to the bearings and will always cause additional dropout ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
6 votes

Protecting Threads on a thru-axle dropout

I had a quick look at photos of the dropouts and the hanger for this bike. It looks like it's possible the threads in the frame may be replaceable (I'd be surprised if they weren't) even though they ...
Noise's user avatar
  • 15.2k
5 votes

Is it possible to mount a derailleur on this bike?

Sure. Buy an adapter claw like this one (e.g. Sunrace SP550.): The claw screws into the dropout, then you bolt on the derailleur as normal. Alternatively, you can buy a derailleur with an ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.4k
5 votes

Filing front dropout

It looks like the front finger of the dropout suffered an impact that pushed it backwards. Compare it to the undamaged dropout to see how much it was moved. Impacts that bend metal tend to mess up ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
5 votes

Conversion to horizontal dropouts (for fixed gear), V-brake

V-brake calipers have a radial (with respect to the wheel) adjustment range, so they can accommodate the wheel axle moving fore or aft a little. What you need to do is make sure that the placement of ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
5 votes

Conversion to horizontal dropouts (for fixed gear), V-brake

The "horizontal" dropouts that are usually used with rim brakes are not completely horizontal but slanted so that adjusting chain tension moves the rim along tangent where the brake pads ...
ojs's user avatar
  • 22.3k
5 votes

Rear wheel won't stay in position

The only way I can prevent the wheel from getting lose is to tightening it down so hard that the wheel won't move :) Sounds to me like you have to adjust the bearing play (assuming the rear hub ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 28.8k
5 votes

How to adjust chain tension on a rohloff hub with semi-horizontal dropouts

They're swinging dropouts. When everything is set up right and in good condition, swingers and sliders make adjusting tension on a Rohloff or other IGH easy because nothing else about the cables and ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
5 votes

Dropout damage mystery, how to fix it? [Photos and videos]

None of this seems like the problem to me. The surface gouges seem normal. If the wheel is sturdy when the QRs are properly tightened, you're good to roll provided the wheel is properly aligned.
Paul H's user avatar
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5 votes

Gap between fork and dropout

The bike is an 80's steel construction, so it's highly likely these dropouts are brazed into the slots in the tip of the fork tines. This ride has survived 40+ years, so clearly it is "strong ...
Criggie's user avatar
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5 votes

Are dropout adjustment screws necessary on an indoor trainer?

Your intuition is correct. The screws aren't strictly necessary on or off the trainer. The clamping force of the quick-release skewer should be enough to secure the trainer or wheel to the frame.
Paul H's user avatar
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5 votes

How do you keep disc brakes on internal hubs aligned with the caliper?

There are some high-end IGH/single-speed frames where the dropout is reconceptualized: there is a part that carries the through-axle and brake, and this part mounts to a slot in the frame, so it can ...
Adam Rice's user avatar
  • 30.4k
5 votes

135mm rear hub with QR on 130mm rear dropout spacing on older aluminum frame MTB

Things to consider: Redishing - the spokes will probably be OK, but may be too long on the non drive side or too short on the drive side. You may get away without any redishing, depending on wheel ...
mattnz's user avatar
  • 52.3k
4 votes

Rear wheel slipping out under load

Thanks for the great information on this thread. I'm having the same exact problem with my bike that has horizontal dropouts. I've been frustrated by the shifting rear wheel which usually happens on ...
user2755541's user avatar
4 votes

Why do low-quality bikes have horizontal dropouts, even though they aren't fixed speed?

I feel certain that the reason comes down to cost. Quality frame builders surely hold the seat tube, chain stays, seat stays, and the dropouts in a fixture when being welded together. But surely ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I upgrade a Hercules Dirtrider 26" with gears and a disk brake?

The derailer is sort of the easy part. Your frame could take a claw style derailer like this: Or you get one of these and have a lot more options: 120mm is the minimum rear spacing for derailer ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
4 votes

Anti-rotation washers (non-turn) washers in non-parallel dropouts?

The torque that the axle sees relative to the frame can happen in both directions as gears change. For example in the classic Sturmey Archer 3 speed, it's the second gear that is neutral and does not ...
Jeffrey Bell's user avatar

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