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49 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

If it's actually used, as in previously owned with real mileage, they should have disclosed that. If it's in new condition, or new condition with some amount of the discount being for shop wear or due ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
16 votes

Why are bicycles so expensive?

As stated in the comments, your main sport is a strength sport, so I assume you are looking for a bicycle to commute or to do some light aerobics on. It's not clear which store you shopped in. There ...
Weiwen Ng's user avatar
  • 35.3k
15 votes

Why are bicycles so expensive?

Some example from Austria and Germany for new bikes: ~300€ will get you a cheap city/trekking bicycle with the cheapest components and 3x7speed gears. Often not assembled properly, low quality and ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 28.8k
15 votes

Which part(s) has the greatest slope of price per pound(kg)?

The full answer is long and complicated but the short answer is almost surely 1) the proper air pressure at zero cost (meaning, zero slope in terms of price/kg); followed by 2) latex tubes (at a ...
R. Chung's user avatar
  • 14.2k
12 votes

Why are bicycles so expensive?

TL;DNR - Bikes are so expensive because people are prepared to pay that much. Pricing of the product is a balance of the cost to supply and value add to the customer. In the perfect capitalist's world,...
mattnz's user avatar
  • 52.4k
12 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

I'm trying to put myself into your shoes if this were to happen to me with the LBS that I frequent. I own two bikes, which almost sounds like the start of an inverse Twelve Step Program--one that ...
Kennah's user avatar
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11 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

Spending $30 / month at your LBS seems perfectly reasonable. Your LBS is grateful you buy from them instead of from Amazon. If you sometimes go to your bike store just to talk, that probably OK, as ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
11 votes

Why are bicycles so expensive?

To use car sales analogy. If you go to a Ferrari or Lamborghini dealership, all you'll see are cars for $1 million or more. If you go to a used car dealership, you'll find quite different cars for $...
Grigory Rechistov's user avatar
9 votes

Which part(s) has the greatest slope of price per pound(kg)?

Do also consider durability - it is a common misconception that more expensive things last longer, and while that may be true comparing mid-range to cheap stuff, the top-end parts tend to have a ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
8 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

1) "am I freeloading, or am I a (financially) valued customer?" Depends. Most bike shops I've been to are happy with giving some of advice -- helping the person find the right part and them do it ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.4k
7 votes

What is a good bike-to-lock ratio in price?

Totally depends on the person and how much you're willing to lose. One of the main things you want to do is lock properly -- an expensive lock used poorly isn't very good. And you usually just have to ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.4k
6 votes

How much does the price of a new bicycle drop a year after buying it?

I would use bicycle blue book as a way to figure out the change in value of the bike. They have a system to estimate the resale value of used bikes. Your bikes condition at the end of the year will ...
Amos's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

It may be helpful to know that according to the NBDA*, most bike shops actually lose money on bike sales. The average profit margin is -3%. Where the profit margin on parts and accessories is +7.5%....
Terence Finn's user avatar
5 votes

How much does the price of a new bicycle drop a year after buying it?

This is sooooooooooo wide open. You lose like 1/3 rolling it out the door. Condition matters more than years. If it 10 years old with some out of date components that matters. But 3 versus 5 does ...
paparazzo's user avatar
  • 15.7k
4 votes

What is a good bike-to-lock ratio in price?

piggybacking on Criggie's comment... What is a good ratio, in prices, between your bike and your lock so that it would be reasonable? Well, sometimes the level of bicycle theft is rather ...
BSO rider's user avatar
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4 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

The thing that would give me pause about this would be if there were a generational shift in technology during the intervening years, and it might be harder to get replacement parts (like the ...
Adam Rice's user avatar
  • 30.4k
4 votes

What is cheaper, to walk or to cycle?

Cycling is cheaper than walking. I asked a few people what they think is cheaper, walking or cycling, and everyone answered that walking is cheaper. It seems logical, because to walk, all you need is ...
Erik B's user avatar
  • 283
4 votes

Which part(s) has the greatest slope of price per pound(kg)?

I think there is no easy answer. Which part you should upgrade first very much depends on what’s currently on the bike. But keep in mind, if there was an easy and cheap option the bike manufacturer ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 28.8k
3 votes

Has pandemic caused shortage of bikes?

You are correct. A couple of things have happened with the pandemic. The supply chain, from manufacturing though logistics to the retail have been disrupted. The big disruption is logistics, ...
mattnz's user avatar
  • 52.4k
3 votes

What BMX frame did I find?

HH does imply "haro" as a brand. A photo might help confirm that. The serial number is useless for identification, unless you know the brand, AND that brand kept records, AND they've been ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
3 votes

How much cheaper is cycling than driving?

To offer a counterpoint in the form of a small motorbike Even though it's not what's asked for, it's relevant to the discussion. Here are the figures for my Honda CBF 125. In £/km rather than $/km, ...
Separatrix's user avatar
3 votes

Can and should I sell a bike without wheels?

What kind of discount should I be offering to compensate for the lack of wheels? If I still had the wheels, I'd be expecting to get £250 to £300, judging by completed eBay listings. It depends on how ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.4k
2 votes

Salvaging valuable parts from a broken vintage bike

Insurers make money by promising the customer coverage and then refusing to pay up You do not need to accept their statements and valuations as indisputable facts. Instead - get your own ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
2 votes

How much should I spend on my helmet?

MIPS may possibly make a sense, so money and choice permitting you could choose the helmet with MIPS. Some do not believe, ok. I personally also have the one with lights because I commute in the night....
nightrider's user avatar
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2 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

If a bike is stored in dry, warm conditions, as it was probably done by the shop, it does not degrade in quality much. The only parts that may suffer from age are: Plastic parts like the brake pads, ...
cmaster - reinstate monica's user avatar
2 votes

What is cheaper, to walk or to cycle?

As others have mentioned, I'd say factoring in time saved would be a significant consideration. If you want to put a figure on that, maybe look at what you get paid at work per hour and make the ...
Richard Clinker's user avatar
2 votes

How much more expensive are hydraulic disk brakes compared to mechanical disk brakes?

It depends on wether you are talking about disc brakes on a drop-bar bike or disk brakes on a flat bar bike. Hydraulic disc brakes with integrated shifters (on drop-bar bikes) are pretty expensive. ...
then4p's user avatar
  • 371
2 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

It is interesting that "new" is used as an antonym of "used"; logically speaking, "used", "old", and "pre-owned" are all distinct concepts that have been conflated for simplicity, and only some of the ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
2 votes

Which part(s) has the greatest slope of price per pound(kg)?

You could also abandon some parts (like the bar tape), making it a replacement that cost less than nothing but still provides weight savings. Other than that, though, ride it for a while. Latex tubes ...
Calin Ceteras's user avatar
1 vote

A coworker has abandoned mountain biking for Moro-cross. He gave me the option to buy this bike. I am not sure it’s value

Straight up - bike valuations are off topic because they're of short term use to one person in one place, and do not form part of the long-term useful body of knowledge that SE is trying to build. ...

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