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37 votes

Why should little kids not have back mirrors on their bicycles?

Literally, TMI [too much information]. Kids shouldn't have to deal with what's behind them. When learning to ride, they have the dual challenge of learning bike-control and balancing as well as not ...
Criggie's user avatar
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31 votes

How can I offer a test ride while selling a bike?

The simplest answers are ask for their ID, or for their car keys if they arrive by car. There are plenty of other options on various forums like
pateksan's user avatar
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30 votes

How can I prevent my next bike from being stolen?

That sucks. I'm sorry that your bike was stolen. If thieves are willing to break into a locked garage, break into a locked and fully enclosed mesh bike parking area then cut two bike locks using ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
24 votes

Why should little kids not have back mirrors on their bicycles?

I would think about a few reasons, the short version is that using mirrors correctly requires skills that little kids haven't developed yet, and they shouldn't be in a situation where they need one: ...
Rеnаud's user avatar
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21 votes

Tracking my bike - How could a company offer a GPS location tracker with no recurrent service fee?

The description of that device is extremely confusing and actually nearly completely false. The same device (GF-07) is widely available on the usual Chinese suspects (AliExpress, Temu, etc.) for a ...
jcaron's user avatar
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17 votes

Properly locking on a floor mount rack with a U-lock

In a situation like this, I usually don't fit any of the wheels in the support; instead I park the bike over the rack and just to the left or right of a loop, so that the lowest part of the frame is ...
abl's user avatar
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14 votes

How important is the MIPS safety system for a bicycle helmet?

All bicycle helmets are subject to the same standardized set of impact tests during the certification process. If the helmet product passes, it meets the minimum criteria for protection, regardless of ...
Grigory Rechistov's user avatar
14 votes

If you can only secure one wheel when locking bike which wheel is better

I would lock the rear wheel. The problem of locking the front wheel with U lock is that there's no way to lock it easily (or at least I can't imagine one). The front wheel is attached to the fork, but ...
juhist's user avatar
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14 votes

Tracking my bike - How could a company offer a GPS location tracker with no recurrent service fee?

GPS is a free service, but the backhaul is likely cellular based on the ad-copy. Despite the text saying "No additional accessories necessary!" it is likely you have to fit a cellular SIM ...
Criggie's user avatar
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13 votes

How can I offer a test ride while selling a bike?

Cash in hand. They give you the purchase price, in cash, and it sits in your pocket while they do the test ride.
joseph_morris's user avatar
13 votes

If you can only secure one wheel when locking bike which wheel is better

The most important thing is that the frame is securely locked to a solid object. If you can also lock one or both wheels it’s nice but I wouldn’t worry too much. The rear wheel is more expensive but ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 28.8k
12 votes

How can I prevent my next bike from being stolen?

I lost a few bikes to theft when I was in university. It stunk. I took to buying used bikes (probably from bike thieves). I wrapped the frame tubes of my (otherwise nice) bike in peelable masking ...
O. Jones's user avatar
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12 votes

Properly locking on a floor mount rack with a U-lock

You definitely do not want to bend or misalign your derailleur, so you are right not to park your bike with the rear wheel in the rack. Your only option is to use a long, thick cable or chain to ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
11 votes

How can I prevent my next bike from being stolen?

There's nothing you can do if the storage area is not under constant surveillance. It can take as little as 2 minutes to grind a U-Lock. The only real solution is to keep your bike in your apartment....
Max's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I prevent my next bike from being stolen?

Funny enough, the parking garage may actually be less safe than a well-exposed outside location. When I was commuting between the cities of Hamburg and Berlin I locked my (500/1000$) bikes at the ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
11 votes

If you can only secure one wheel when locking bike which wheel is better

Bottom Line: Nothing is perfect. You need to develop a strategy based on what parts you are willing to replace. I use a U lock and a steel cable similar to the pictures below and I take my quick ...
David D's user avatar
  • 22.9k
11 votes

Is my bike safer when parked in crowded places?

The question is about crowds of people, but I'll answer from another perspective, dealing with crowds of bikes. I'd say you're better off locking your bike up in a location that has many other bikes ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
10 votes

Commuting daily with an Expensive Bike, tips?

I think that picking up a second bike is definitely a good approach. Not only does it allow you to not risk your more expensive bike getting stolen, but it allows you to have a bike more suitable to ...
Kibbee's user avatar
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10 votes

Properly locking on a floor mount rack with a U-lock

For the longer term, ask your employer to provide proper bike parking. The device you picture is completely unsuited to parking bikes. As you've observed, it's impossible to securely lock your bike ...
David Richerby's user avatar
9 votes

How important is the MIPS safety system for a bicycle helmet?

MIPS has become common in at least mid-to-high end mountain biking helmets in the US over the last decade. The web site has some descriptions, but my general understanding ...
Armand's user avatar
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9 votes

If you can only secure one wheel when locking bike which wheel is better

Interestingly, just locking the back wheel can also secure the frame if you do it in the right position, as shown in this post on pinterest: You can remove neither wheel nor frame because the wheel ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
9 votes

Enclosed external bicycle storage for house with up to 10 bicycles

If it needs to be fully enclosed you wind up with a small building of some kind. Here are some ideas. Bike lockers Each flat could have it's own two bike locker or clustered in a group. I don't know ...
David D's user avatar
  • 22.9k
8 votes

How important is the MIPS safety system for a bicycle helmet?

This study is the most scientific resource I was able to find. It compares several rotation damping systems to a standard helmet without any additional safety measures. I made a quick overview with ...
MaxD's user avatar
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8 votes

Is my bike safer when parked in crowded places?

A well locked bike is relatively* safer in a crowded place. According to in "Bicycle Theft in the U.S." In the section "6 easy ways to help prevent bicycle theft&...
David D's user avatar
  • 22.9k
8 votes

Enclosed external bicycle storage for house with up to 10 bicycles

I'm going to assume you've only got to deal with ordinary single-rider diamond frames (despite owning a tandem myself and heavily supporting the use of cargo bikes). I'll assume the bikes are all ...
Chris H's user avatar
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7 votes

How to ensure security of panniers when touring

I went on two bike tours in 2017 and 2018 around North America, for 3000+ miles each, and this is what I did to secure the panniers to the bicycle: Nothing. That said, I did take some precautions. ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
7 votes

How can I offer a test ride while selling a bike?

If you have another bike that you are not selling, you can ride next to the person test riding the bike to make sure they don't take off with it. If you can't do that, then I'd suggest you have the ...
user43749's user avatar
6 votes

Are U-lock "wheel extenders" sold separately?

Kryptonite does not sell that separately right now(source: am a Kryptonite distributor), but I'll bring it up to them, see if they are interested in offering it.
CardMechanic's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a way to attach a safe box to a bike?

There's a product called a Northcore Keypod which is essentially a combination padlock with a key box built in. I've got one (it's meant for locking under your car with the car key in while surfing ...
Chris H's user avatar
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6 votes

How to keep bikes safe while camping with a car

I used to take the family bikes over to western Europe and never had a problem leaving them overnight. This would have been maybe USD3000s worth of bikes at various places in France, Germany and ...
PeteH's user avatar
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