I have repaired my shimanoShimano free wheel or other like it and iI will tell you how. anAn effective way to check or repair the inside of the free wheel is to learn first how to assmebleassemble and disassemble it(duhhh lol) and here is the video how
aA large magnet will help catch the tiny buger sized bearings if carefully placed under the freewheel while loosening the lockring.
if theIf no spanner tool is not available you can use a hammer and a pointless concrete nail (use your imagination to figure out how to make the concrete nail less pointy using the hammer).
now openingTo open it with hammer and concrete nail, place the pointless nail in the shallow hole in the lockring pointing downward close to 45 degrees, then gently tap it rapidly with the hammer remember. Remember the lock ring loosens at clock wise. justJust loosen it Dontbut don't remove the lockring completely yet or else removing the freewheel impatiently will scatter buger bearings all over the floor the over all. The overall number of those bearings is less than 60 iI guess. afterAfter loosening it only enough to be removed by dialing it like a rotary phone then place the bearingmagnet under the freewheel, you. You can now remove the free wheelfreewheel (BE AWARE THAT THE BEARING MIGHT SCATTER LIKE A BIG BANG THEORY)
placePlace it in the table with a towel, remove the lockring, spray a wdit with WD 40 then magnet the bugerbearings on thethe top. removeRemove the thin spacer then the spring and sprawls,
soak them in wdWD 40 or kerosene. wipeWipe it clean. afterAfter ALL the free wheel parts are completely free of any liquids and dirt you can now put the GREASE thisgrease in. This has to be a Grade 3 lithium Grease makegrease. Make sure all the internal parts are covered in grease not too thin and not too Thick. just thick but– make sure that the parts can move freely (because too much grease will make the sprawl stick to the inner freewheel and prevent it to do its function ) after properly placing the sprawls and springs and spacer. its time forFor the bearings you already know where to put them the problem is just, how.
first grease your fingers before picking up the NEW bearings it has to be new. the withWith your index finger and thumb greased pick up the new bearing and roll it like a buger to cover it in grease thethen stick it to its rightful place in the bearings.
withWith all the bearings in place put it back in the external freewheel, how?. whileWhile forcing the internal freewheel in, rotate the outer freewheel clockwise so the sprawls would not interfere. justJust put in the spacer and, tighten the lock ring. and there you go.
ifIf you want to me to make detailed video email me [email protected] iI will make it realyreally short and realy really detailed as possible. .