I keep getting punctures with road bike tires riding the street in Baltimore. I know they are not the cleanest but I should not be getting a flat every single time. Using Continental Gator Skin and Continental 28mm tubes on my Trek hybrid, which I converted to dropbars to make as many improvements without blowing the bank on a road bike.
I typically keep the PSI around 80-90. These are new tubes and tires as I thought the first flat was related to having tubes and tires that hadn't been replaced in 5 years. However, that was not the issue. I was able to identify one cause being a 3-4mm glass shard that punctured the tire and tube. This most recent puncture shows no sign of puncture on the tire for a very tiny circular puncture on the tube.
Can anyone suggest a couple reasons why I would be consistently getting flats other than road conditions?
Should I consider getting some commuter tires instead?