I am confused about whether chains come in two kinds (1. push-the-pin, 2. master link), or just one kind. Specifically, I'm confused about the following.
- Can any chain be broken at an arbitrary pin? (Or do I have to look closely at each pin to identify those pins that can be pushed out with a chain breaking tool?)
- After it is broken, can any chain be connected with a master link? (Or do I have to order a chain identified by the vendor as "master link missing" to know that it is of the kind that can be reconnected by a master link?)
- As Vorac points out, a new chain will arrive with a protruding pin (see image below). This pin can be safely pushed back in (how? by any ordinary set of pliers?) after breaking the new chain at the correct length (which obviously has to be matched with inner, not outer, plates); is that right? (yes, yes, it's obvious that I need to match the number, not the length of the chain since the old one will surely be longer).
- If, however, I lose (for whatever reason) the protruding pin that appears in the image above, I cannot use any pin that I have previously broken off from the chain. I must order a new pin. (I might get away with not heeding this advice, but the chain will risk breaking at the worst time; just when I'm applying a lot of torque.) The pin that I order will look like the one Criggie illustrates. Did I get that right?