My partner has a thumb injury on the left hand that makes the long-throw pressing of a dropper post lever impossible. Are there other trigger mechanisms that could be swapped in to allow using the index finger or a different motion to actuate the dropper post?

3 Answers 3


With a bit of searching I came up with the Wolf Tooth "ReMote 360" that looks like it should do the trick. It can be pulled or pushed in any direction. Kinda pricey at ~$60 USD (in December 2023) for a lever, but it looks well made.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • The X-Fusion Manic lever is much cheaper and I believe it allows the lever to be flipped the opposite direction from normal to accomplish the same thing. Commented Dec 13, 2023 at 19:45

This could be mounted on the right side (assuming his injury is left. https://www.jensonusa.com/Race-Face-Turbine-R-Dropper-23X-Lever-Black?loc=usa&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkKqsBhC3ARIsAEEjuJjH4OAOJiheZimX0IgStMnob9z1b1BV8jtUCjaY2n3UIux3z3e7Af8aAn6qEALw_wcB


For reference, electric droppers (SRAM AXS, Magura Vyron) could also be a solution - but more expensive, as the control on the handle bar is then just a button, that doesn't require a long-throw pressing.

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