I have a project bike. I made it myself from bits recycled. It is currently a single speed, although I'm thinking of adding gears to turn it into a bit of a commuter/excercise bike.
Before I do that, I really need to sort out the fit. It doesn't seem to fit me, or even itself very well.
Bike dimensions - 51cm seattube, 50cm top tube, chain stay 41cm. tires are 700x32.
The problems:
The bike has a seat tube length of 51cm which seems right for me at 5'6. When i sit on it my leg is straight at the bottom of the stroke, However there is virtually no standover room.
the bike seems pretty cramped horizontally, that is the handlebars seem too close to the seat. in fact i'm not sure if the top tube is long enough.
The front wheel, despite being the right size to line up with the brake, seems to be way to close to the downtube, and as a result clips my toes sometimes when I'm pedaling. Does this bike even fit itself?
both wheels are pretty tight through the brake. That's probably because of the chunky tires.
What have I done wrong? How can i get the bike to feel a bit less cramped?