I just bought a Trek Marlin 7 for my wife, and it came with Bontrager Kovee TLR wheels, with tubes inside them. I'm trying to convert them to tubeless, but am having issues finding valve stems that fit.
I looked up which stems I needed here: https://trek.scene7.com/is/content/TrekBicycleProducts/TK21%5FMISC%5FRimstrip%5FCompatibility.pdf
This says I need the Round Base 32mm stems: https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/equipment/cycling-components/bike-tires/bike-tire-accessories/bontrager-round-base-tlr-valve-stem/p/W250324/
I bought some, and they do not fit. They hit the sides of the inner wall long before coming in contact with the bottom.
I also tried Stan's universal valve stems. They almost work, but have the same problem.
Has anyone had this problem?
Does anyone know which valve stems I need?