I was browsing some time trial videos on YouTube and came across a video on saddle shuffling, and I've been noticing that I do the same saddle shuffle a lot when riding hard. Did not really know it was a problem until I saw a video about it. Is this common among riders? My seat is correctly positioned too and it's perfectly level. I wonder how common this is...
To anyone who can't see the video: The problem is that a rider will, over time, shuffle forward on the saddle as they ride, every so often pushing themselves back so they're squarely on the saddle.
Edit: About me: I'm 5'6 about 145lb and ride a Specialized Allez Apex. I use clipless pedals and have received a BG Bike Fit. The bike size is a 52. I would consider myself an aggresive rider.
Update: So I thought I would update you with some tweaks I've done so far. I went to my LBS and purchased a shorter stem so I'm not leaning forward as much. I also measured my seat and myself (sit bones) and it showed that my seat was too narrow, though, I have been measured before and have always been told the seat was good (my other two bikes were the same). I was suggested to try the Romin or Avatar saddles. The look of the Romin seems like it will keep me from moving forward as much. I plan on testing the seats out in a trainer and around town. Thanks for all the suggestions.