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Gravel bike frame material: carbon, aluminum, titaniul or steel? [closed]

For a long ride on a gravel bike, what is the best frame material?
Fart_in_the_air's user avatar
1 vote
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Bottle holder - aluminium or titanium bolts?

I'm a "weight-weenie" and optimize the bolts I'm using. Replacing steel with aluminium or titanium, depending of the location (to summarize: exerted forces, and dangerosity in case of breakage). ...
Gras Double's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How do different frame materials affect the handling of a bike?

I can appreciate that some materials are lighter than others and some have more flex than others, but overall, how do different frame materials affect handling of the bike? Assuming the same geometry ...
Mark W's user avatar
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Knowing what bicycle frame material I have

I have a bicycle frame that's really heavy. It's a mountain bike frame with shocks, so I decided to replace the entire frame with a city bike aluminum frame(I only use the bike if I have to pick up/...
marchemike's user avatar