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4 votes
4 answers

Maximum Descending Speed

This is a hypothetical question but I'm curious. Assuming an endless, freshly paved road with no turns, what would be my maximum speed? EDIT My question is too general so to help I'm adding some ...
Calvin Smythe's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How much does wind affect the speed of a professional cycling peloton?

It's a well known fact that due to air resistance increase of speed on a bike takes non linear increase of power, so the huge marginal increase of power needed to go faster while riding at around 40-...
konrad's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Loading front wheel in a sharp turn?

When turning sharp at high speed, does it make sense to shift the weight to reduce risk of skidding? I do not see the point of doing so. Both wheels are leaned at the same angle against the ground no ...
Konstantin Shemyak's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

(racer) Standard vs compact crankset: Increased leverage for same gear ratios true?

I'm a road and mtb regional racer about to have a go at my first road endurance nationals very soon. I'd like some educated scientifically validated answer on a matter that has been on my mind ever ...
maninak's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to estimate road grade while riding?

It would be nice to be able to estimate the grade of a road while riding, even if the estimate is not completely accurate. With a GPS, in theory it should be possible in theory to ride a short ...
amcnabb's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do I calculate the power required to climb a hill at a given cadence?

Suppose I ride at a cadence of 50RPM for 10 minutes with a 39x23 gear ratio on a hill with 10% grade. Is there a simple formula to calculate the power output required?
Rick Ant's user avatar
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