As a sort of DIYer, I think that aluminum bits can be interesting for a lot of projects.
I'd hacksaw it and extract bits and parts for my creations. For example, the stays can be turned to tool handles; other tubes cut apropiately could serve as shims.
The dropouts, specially rear ones can serve as holders for other things, like a toilet paper holder or a couple of coat hangers, key chain hangers, or as beer bottle opener.
The whole frame can be mounted on a sturdy base and convert it into a stationary bike. No need to conserve the wheels, just put an old hub in the rear and some rubber bands as resistance.
The rear triangle can be converted into a bar stool by installing a cheap but nice and big, plush saddle. Just bolt the rear of the frame to a sturdy base (A couple wood planks would do). The front triangle can be removed or install a small table where the handlebar used to be, thus serving as a workstation if comfortable enough.
As others have suggested, parts of the frame can be turned into a desk lamp, a work light holder, or a tool tray holder for your home shop.
As you see, possibilities are just too many. The whole idea is to think of it as raw material, taking advantage of any shape you can extract from it that lessens the work you'd have to do in order to achieve your desired final product.