On a climb I started to notice something feeling similar to a slipping chain. A couple minutes later while pedaling standing up, my left crank arm got completely misaligned as you can see in the picture:
With my multitool I managed to take off the crank arm, realign it and tighten it as much as possible. This was enough to ride the last 3 kilometres to my accommodation without any further problems (no uphills on this stretch though and I pedaled very softly).
I'm currently on a bike tour and there is no bike shop nearby. Is this something that will keep happening and I need to head to a bike shop immediately or could it be possible to ride the last couple days (300km) of my tour without any major problems?
For extra context: The crank arm has a sticker on it saying "tighten to 14-15nm using a torque wrench". Also it is likely that my chain is quite stretched and worn and I might need a new cassette as well.