Does anybody have a suggested "warm up" procedure for a small 1/4" drive torque wrench? I've searched the internet and found surprisingly little on this topic.
Here is how I've been doing it so far:
1) Set the torque wrench to a setting at the bottom of its range, ex. if the torque wrench range is 2 Nm to 20 Nm, set it to, say, 3 Nm (it should go without saying that the wrench should have been stored at the min value on the scale, 2 Nm in our example).
2) Find a bolt that is at least substantially more, for example at least 5 Nm, and gently / smoothly turn the wrench on that bolt until it clicks (without the bolt moving of course, if it moves something is seriously wrong, have your torque wrench recalibrated or use a different one). Alternatively you can put a bolt in a vise and click it on that.
3) Repeat perhaps 5 to 10 times, waiting a few seconds in-between each to allow the internal lube time to spread out.
Is this an acceptable warm up procedure for a small 1/4" drive torque wrench commonly used on bikes? Does anybody have a different suggested procedure?