The issue
My 2019 cube stereo 150 rides very wobbly, to the point where it's outright dangerous on speeds above 40km/h. I pinpointed the issue to the lower bolt that connects the springed rear part of my bike (blue arrow):
As you can see in this picture, there is a lot slack. the white plastic you see in there is a piece of zip tie, I can fit another one of those at the left bottom side.
This is how this looks without the triangle thingy.
Without the piece of zip tie, the rounded triangle can move up, down, left & right, but also rotate a lot:
I thought there might be a missing cap that should be locking that bolt in place, but seeing this video, it seems that he has the exact same protruding end of the bolt (albeit way cleaner):
Tried solutions:
Repair shop: I tried both a big repair shop and a local repair guy. Both didn't seem to have even found this issue. Only after I took matters into my own hands I noticed this.
Replace the components: I sourced & bought an entire kit with the same product ids (which you can see in the picture) and while it definitely was an improvement, there is still a dangerous amount of slack. This was the kit I bought (I bought 2, one as a spare). I don't think I had to use the blue tube though. That may indicate that I missed a step.
McGyver it: I added bits of zip-tie pieces, filled the gaps with glue and added some duct-tape on top of it to keep it in place. This actually worked not too bad, but the zip-tie plastic wears of rather fast. I think I should redo this procedure about monthly to be safe.
I would love to hear any better solution than the temporary zip-tie fix, preferably keeping my bike fully suspensioned. I was thinking something like strong sealant.