So the situation is, about six months ago I got myself my first full sus trail bike Trek Fuel ex7. For the most part, loving it.
Over that time I've had a number of spills, the most recent resulting in a trip to A&E.
I might be grasping at straws here a little, but most of these spills have followed the same pattern. Basically, when the rear shock is under heavy compression for say going off a drop off my bike kind of squirts forward out from under me.
While I'm sure this is probably largely caused by my own poor technique, I'm beginning to wonder if I don't quite have my suspension dialed in quite right. I'm pretty happy with the say I've got, seems around 20ish% but I have no idea about the rebound settings. I've used the recommendations from Trek but really don't have any idea if it's right for me.
So, is this a rider problem, or could/would incorrect setup be contributing?