
Links to sites with a new or unique design is what I am looking for. Post the site with most links for bike related information.


1 Answer 1


In the world of Recumbents and Velomobiles, you can try:

Mike's Recumbent Links: http://www.mikebentley.com/bike/bents/

Dutch collection of World-wide Velomobile/Recumbent links: http://dutchbikes.nl/velomobile-diy-kit/velomobile-links/

or a historical persepctive: http://www.icebike.org/30-iconic-velomobile-designs-from-the-past-85-years/

..and just in case I am doing your homework for you, you can get better information by Googling 'new designs in cycling' and find all sorts of goodies! :-)

  • We try not to answer questions that are going to end up closed/deleted. Remember SE is about practical solutions to real world problems on bikes, not "do my design homework for me"
    – Criggie
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 11:28
  • Considering that you only put the topic 'on hold' 8 hours ago and I answered 23 hours ago, it is quite possible that I do not have the requisite powers to see into the future or read the mind of the moderator to determine the best course of action :P. The poster asked, and I provided a potential answer as a practical solution. The links provided have already been around for several years. Plus we have this thing called a search engine to find any updated or outmoded links (the net remembers everything). And let us not forget the Wayback machine website. :-) Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 10:34
  • Additionally, the poster may not be familiar with the best keywords for Googling his query, nor be aware of certain fields of cycling, such as Velomobiles and recumbents. I have adjusted my answer accordingly. :) Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 10:39
  • No criticism intended - this is a good answer to a bad question.
    – Criggie
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 20:30

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