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26 votes

How to tell when it's time to give up on tires?

For reference - tire parts names. The "Anti-puncture strip" and "bead protection tape" are not found on most tires. Bead, casing, sidewall, and tread are the most common ...
David D's user avatar
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16 votes

How to tell when it's time to give up on tires?

This is a great question and there are actually some good ways of approaching it. Inconveniently, you need to see the tire installed and inflated to have high certainty that it's good for reuse. Until ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
5 votes

How to tell when it's time to give up on tires?

This is tough to answer as it'll be different for different types of tires. For my riding styles, a tire is shot when the side walls won't stop weeping (all bikes), when the knobs stop hooking up (MTB)...
Paul H's user avatar
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1 vote

How to tell when it's time to give up on tires?

Short answer - if you wouldn't feel safe riding on the tyre yourself on a high-speed descent, then it is for the bin. Add a mental safety-factor/margin of error of 20% and don't be hesitant to say &...
Criggie's user avatar
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