The last couple of wheels I've built have been all from reused parts. One was to convert my unicycle from 24" to 20" largely as an experiment, and the one that I'm currently working on is for the junk bike I keep near work.
For the unicycle wheel, I found my spokes were about 1mm too long nominal, plus measuring error, and ordered a bag of (round) nipple washers. They were 0.5mm thick, and I'm not sure if the were strictly needed in the end.
For the 26" wheel, the spokes are more like 2mm too long, so I reckon I'll run out of thread before the wheel is fully tensioned. I'd like it built quickly. Ordinary M4 washers are dirt cheap and available same-day. New spokes are probably more than the bike is worth (even cheap ones) but what really puts me off is the several days delivery time. So I'm considering using 1 (or even 2 on the drive side) M4 washers (0.8mm thick) under each nipple. They seem to be a good size for both nipples and rim. The extra thickness is good but obviously adds weight - not an issue on a bike made of gas pipe.
Am I missing something? Are round nipple washers just thinner and harder to obtain than normal washers (I know there are other shapes for narrow rims). Is it just about weight?