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10 votes

Bike roller is causing deformed tyre?

Yes - your rear tyre has failed internally through being run under-inflated, combined with the heat generated on the roller surface. As such that tyre is no longer suitable to ride on the road. ...
Criggie's user avatar
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8 votes

Can I use a rim brake rear wheel in a disc brake bike, for indoor training?

The standard hub width for road wheels with QR is 130mm for non disc and 135mm for disc hubs. Even though you can force the frame to clamp around narrower hub, it is strongly recommended to add ...
ojs's user avatar
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7 votes

Power output on rollers doesn't seem to match perceived effort

Perceived effort isn't determined only by power output. That is, power output is certainly one of the things that affects perceived effort but there are others. There are (at least) two other ...
R. Chung's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the purpose of rollers

While stationary trainers are used primarily to train for raw strength and power, rollers provide training for form and balance. Because the bike is free to move and weave on the rollers, the rider ...
whatsisname's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use simulation mode in smart trainer? My roller is not simulating my routes

Please check one of the many YouTube tutorials or consult Wahoo's help section: YouTube All of the videos ...
DoNuT's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I use a rim brake rear wheel in a disc brake bike, for indoor training?

A minor point is that with no brake available for your roller session, the rear wheel will take longer to stop. That's going to be totally fine most of the time, but if you have pets or children, ...
Criggie's user avatar
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2 votes

What is a good way to learn how to ride a bike on rollers?

I bought a set of Cyclops rollers a few years back and it was scary to say the least when I started riding on them. I too was trying the door-frame technique, but I felt it to be dangerous in case I ...
Fandango68's user avatar
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2 votes

Signs of wear on new rollers

To me this looks like tyre wear. Due to friction, the tyre material is being abraded and partly it sticks to the roller surface and partly it falls on the ground in the vicinity. This is normal and ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
1 vote

Minimum speed when riding rollers

the source of the bike's stability is the gyroscopic effect of a spinning wheel. This is incorrect. Gyroscopic forces play virtually no part in bicycle stability. What keeps a bike stable is the ...
whatsisname's user avatar
  • 12.2k
1 vote

Do rollers ruin tires?

There is a difference in that rollers don't generate much heat when you ride them whereas many trainers do. The heat is what helps strip the tires and degrades the rubber on your tread.
Lucas's user avatar
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